Spring Flooding Resources
2 years ago
The USU Emergency Preparedness Team has provided this information:
The mountains in Utah have received much more snow than usual this year, and as the snow melts, there is the potential for flooding. Here are some steps you can take to be prepared:
Clear debris or snow from your gutters and downspouts to help prevent water from backing up and seeping into your home.
Know the elevation of your property in relation to plains, streams, and other waterways.
If the ground is sloped 1 inch per foot near the house, moving snow just 3 to 5 feet away from the house can help reduce the possibility of flooding.
Keep water out of window wells. Build dams, and contour the ground so water will naturally drain away from the house. This can be accomplished using sandbags or adjusting landscaping.
Move valuable items to a higher level in your home or off-site to protect them from flood damage.
Be aware of weather conditions and flood warnings in your area. Listen to local news broadcasts and emergency alerts to stay informed.
Have an evacuation plan and location destination planned if it becomes necessary.
Keep your car’s gas tank full in case you need to evacuate.
Store food, water, and critical medical supplies.
By taking these steps, you can minimize the damage caused by spring flooding and keep your family safe. Remember, the best way to stay safe during a flood is to stay informed, stay prepared, and stay alert.
Purchasing Sandbags
If you are anticipating any flooding, and are looking for sandbags, you can purchase them from one of the following local retailers:
If you are anticipating any flooding, and are looking for sandbags, you can purchase them from one of the following local retailers:
CAL Ranch
Home Depot
Smithfield Implement
Stock Building Supply
Purchasing Sand If you need sand, you can purchase it from one of the following local retailers:
LeGrand Johnson Construction Co.
Staker/Parsons Companies
Geneva Rock
How to Sandbag
Click here to see a Sandbag pamphlet from the Army Corps of Engineers.
Click here for information from The Army Corps of Engineers.
Contact Information If you are currently experiencing flooding, please call the numbers below:
Hyde Park City: (435) 563-6507, Hours: Monday-Thursday, 7am-6pm.
Hyde Park City Public Works: (435) 563-0179 Hours: Monday-Thursday, 6am-4pm
Cache County Road Department (435) 755-1560 Hours: Monday -Thursday 8am to 5pm
At any other time, contact non-emergency dispatch at (435) 753-7555